This is your “treasure hunt” list of trees to find in the Parkston area.  Remember you need 20 different species of trees in your portfolio. 26 are listed below.  They are listed by their scientific names.  So you must look them up on the internet to find their common names. Please note these names are in italics, you must underline the name when you copy them in your own handwriting....


 1.       Tilia americana

 2.     Acer saccharinum or  A. saccharum

 3.     Fraxinus pennsylvanica (leaf has 5 or 7 leaflets)

 4.     Ulmus parvifolia, U. thomasii,  or U. americana

 5.     Acer negundo  

 6.     Sorbus americana 

 7.     Rhus typhina :  not a tree, but has interesting leaves

 8.     Quercus palustris or Q. macrocarpa 

 9.     Catalpa speciosa 

10.  Betula pendula or B. papyrifera

11.    Populus deltoides or P. deltoid var. occidentalis

12.  Celtis occidentalis

13.  Salix babylonica 

14.  Elaeagnus angustifolia 

15.  Juglans nigra 

16.  Gleditsia triacanthos 

17.  Populus alba

18.   Aesculus hippocastanum 

19.  Robinia pseudoacacia

20.  Liriodendron tulipifera